Welcome to my curriculum vitae. This is a simple account of a few things I have done. I have put it here because some users of the site wish to be reassured about who I am and what I write. I am currently in a full-time job which I enjoy. But I am able to work freelance in writing educational resources. I am also able to undertake consultancy through my current employers. I am particularly interested in developing educational materials for the Web, and in using Internet technologies for teaching and learning.
Please do not expect to find anything very exciting here. And this is not a record of everything I have ever done - I see no reason to inflict much personal information on my visitors, beyond a few basic facts. Writing this site is one of the many things I do out of working hours - and I have a life beyond it.
Personal information
- Full name: Andrew Robert Moore
- Born: Sleaford, Lincolnshire; July 14th, 1955
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Education and qualifications
1966-1973:Attended Oakham School, Oakham, Rutland
- 1970: GCE "O" levels in English, English Literature, Mathematics
- 1971: GCE "O" levels in English Literature (AO), French, German, History, Geography, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Religious Knowledge
- 1972:Entrance exam for Oxford University -
Awarded Open Exhibition at Corpus Christi College
- 1973:GCE "A" levels: English Literature, French, German;
"S" levels in English (merit) and German (distinction)
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1973-1976: Attended Corpus Christi College, Oxford University
- 1974: Honour Moderations in English Language and Literature, 2nd Class Honours
- 1976: B.A. in English Language and Literature, 2nd Class Honours*
*Oxford did not divide degree class into upper and lower seconds at this time.
1978-1979: Attended Leicester University School of Education
- 1979: Postgraduate Certificate in Education
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1979-1999: Continuing Education
- 1981: Awarded M.A. at Oxford
- 1998-1999: University of Lincolnshire and Humberside -
Graduate Certificate in Information and Learning Technologies (first year of MSc. course).
Threshold Standards for Teachers
- 2001: Passed DfES Threshold Assessment
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Industrial experience
- 1976-1977: Worked as machine-saw operator, W. Lucy & Co., Eagle Ironworks, Oxford
- 1977-1978: Worked as production controller (sub-editor), scientific research journals, Learned Journals Department, Pergamon Press, Headington Hill Hall, Headington, Oxford (My employer was the late Robert Maxwell.)
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Professional experience
- 1979-2000: South Hunsley School, teacher of English
- 1988: Appointed Head of 6th Form General Studies
- 1989: Appointed Deputy Head of 6th Form
- 1999: Seconded to develop school's Intranet and Website as part of East Riding Intranet for Learning
- 2000: Appointed by East Riding of Yorkshire council as Curriculum Project Manager (teacher-adviser and trainer) for ICT (secondment)
- 2002: Appointed by East Riding of Yorkshire School Improvement Service as Curriculum Project Manager for NGfL and ICT
- 1999 - present: developed educational Web sites at:
- 2001: founder member of ATW the Association of Teacher Web sites
- 2001: Became editor/head of English for
ATW Virtual School.
- 2002: Became UK member of the
European Virtual School English Department
- 2003: Became UK coordinator of the
European Network of Innovative Schools
- 2003: Approved by UK Department for Education and Skills as content provider for Curriculum Online
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- January 2003: Using Instant Messaging, UK Teacher Training Agency stand, BETT show, London
- July 2003: Workshop for UK schools in European Network of Innovative Schools, Warwick University
- September 2003: Linguistics Association of Great Britain, Oxford - presentation on modelling language in 6th forms and first degree courses
- October 2003: English Language and Linguistics from "A" to BA, Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research, London
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Conferences and workshops
- June 2002: European Schoolnet Visie Conference, Kerkrade, Netherlands
- February 2003: European Schoolnetworks Conference, Brussels
- May 2003: Teaching pupils from diverse backgrounds - audio-visual aids for ITT staff, Teacher Training Agency Expert Forum, London
- June and September 2003: European Schoolnet ValNet project workshops, Brussels
- September 2003: European Network of Innovative Schools project workshop, Oslo
- October 2003: European Network of Innovative Schools Conference, Palmaria, Italy
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Subjects taught
- KS3: English (KS3 SATs); Information Technology; Games/P.E.; R.E.
- KS4: English Language; English Literature; English Studies (GCE "O" level/CSE/16+/GCSE)
- 6th Form: Oxford/Cambridge entrance and Special papers in English; GCE "A" level: English Language and Literature, General Studies, Theatre Studies; University Entrance Test in English.
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Examination experience
- 1998-9: NEAB Assistant Examiner for GCSE English
- 1984-1987: AEB Assistant Examiner (GCE "O" level) English Literature;
- school internal moderator for coursework in all GCSE and "A" level English syllabuses;
- former secretary of JMB local teachers' group for English GCE "O" level .
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Training events and development groups
These are courses or events that I have organized and delivered
- Developing educational Web sites
- ICT and English for PGCE students
- ICT for school governors
- Being creative with a word-processor
- Using digital images in the classroom
- Secondary school ICT coordinators' development group
- Secondary school ICT support staff development group
- NOF/TTA ICT training for secondary English teachers
- Using Internet technologies in the classroom
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Professional development and in-service training
- Tutor on East Riding training courses for serving and newly qualified teachers, returners to teaching, PGCE students and school governors.
- East Riding representative on content group of Yorkshire and Humberside Regional Grid for Learning
- Coordinator of development groups for teachers and ICT support staff in the East Riding
- Member of Advisory Board of ProQuest Learning: Literature
- Freelance author of teaching materials - have undertaken commissions from emagazine, the BBC, Indigo (3T), Learn.co.uk and ProQuest Information and Learning
- Member of EU Project Babelnet, attending meetings in Lisboã, Portugal (April 2001), Helsinki, Finland (September 2001) Athens, Greece (March 2002) and Helsinki (November 2002).
- 2001: Attended conference of the
European Virtual School History Department in Den Haag (the Hague), Netherlands
- 2001: Attended regional conference for ICT advisers in Yorkshire and Humberside, Huddersfield (July 12-13)
- 2001: Attended BECTa conference on English, ICT, creativity and the curriculum, London, UK
- 2000 - present: New Opportunities Fund ICT Trainer for English Teachers at Intermediate level (accredited by Hull University and inspected by TTA)
- 2000: MS Access (intermediate) course - certificate awarded (by the European Business Academy)
- 1999: Attended BECTa focus group on educational Web sites
- 1998-1999: Attended Hull University/East Riding LEA middle managers' course
- 1997: MS Excel (advanced) course - certificate awarded (by COMTEC)
- 1995-1997: Member of LEA development group on monitoring and assessment of post-16 student progress.
- Regular (deputizing) attendance of East Riding South Consortium deputies and heads of 6th meetings.
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Community activities
- 2000-2001: President of National Union of Teachers East Riding South Association.
- Longest-serving current member of school PSFA, organizing events, education meetings and raising funds.
- Founder-member of school's Staff Association.
- Organized 6th form work experience locally.
- Coached school teams in soccer and hockey.
- Organize annual collection for Christian Aid in home town.
- Regular MC for annual town fair (Hessle Feast).
- 1984-1998: Foundation governor of Hessle All Saints schools.
- 1984-present: Member of Parochial Church Council in Hessle; 1995-1998: member of Hull Deanery Synod.
- Active sportsman: enjoy hockey (captained local mixed and men's teams), soccer, cross-country running, and ice-skating.
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Artistic and other achievements, and interests
- Poetry published in university, national and regional arts magazines.
- Led staff and 6th form team (1994) in Yorkshire TV's On Your Marks quiz-show.
- Directed school plays: Joan Aiken's Winterthing and Shakespeare's The Tempest.
- Acted in Leicester University School of Education production of The Real Inspector Hound.
- Social secretary of Corpus Christi College, Oxford (1975-1976).
- Editor of college/university magazine The Pelican.
- Membership secretary of Oxford Inter-Collegiate Christian Union (1974-1975).
- Captain of Oakham School team for BBC radio's Top of the Form quiz.
- Secretary of Oakham School literature society and Christian Union.
- Enjoy reading, cinema and theatre, writing and occasional public speaking. For more thorough relaxation I enjoy real beer and conversation.
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If you need a reference, please ask for the names and contact details of referees, who can supply confidential or open references on request and as appropriate. |
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© Andrew Moore, 2002; contact me