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Search engineswww.google.com The most powerful and intelligent search engine of all. vivisimo.com Clustering engine. www.teoma.com New-ish search tool. www.zapmeta.com New search engine. www.aesop.com Another search engine. web.webcrawler.com WebCrawler search engine. www.searchUK.co.uk UK-based search engine. Portals, general education and referenceEducation portals | primary portals and general sites | general portals | men's and women's portals Education portal siteskotn.ntu.ac.uk Kids on the Net - writing portal. www.humbul.ac.uk UK universities' humanities portal. www.eRiding.net New learning portal from the East Riding of Yorkshire. educationforum.ipbhost.com International Education Forum. www.academicinfo.net Mike Madin's excellent all-round education portal site. www.educationarena.com Forum for educational research. www.schoolzone.co.uk Schoolzone - resources for teachers and students. www.topmarks.co.uk Another resource site for teachers and students. www.sparknotes.com US resource site for teachers and students. education.guardian.co.uk From the Guardian - education news and info. www.learn.co.uk Resources for KS3 and 4 from the Guardian. www.chalkface.net Chalkface - good all round teachers' portal site. www.bbc.co.uk/education/learning BBC Learning www.bbc.co.uk/schools BBC Schools Online www.leeds.ac.uk/educol Education Line - electronic texts in education and training www.ioe.ac.uk Institute of Education, London www.nfer.ac.uk/weblinks National Foundation for Educational Research links www.scre.ac.uk Scottish Council for Research in Education www.tes.co.uk Times Educational Supplement www.24hourmuseum.org.uk Online gateway to the UK's cultural attractions. www.discovery.com This is the Discovery Channel's portal - very accessible. www.tutorials.com Learn2guide - learn to do all sorts of things for free. www.iasl-slo.org School libraries online - International Association of School Librarians. www.knowdrama.com Know Drama - creative teaching ideas from Darron Davies. www.collegesdirectory.com - find US colleges, universities and schools. www.summer-schools.info - summer schools and courses in the UK. www.purpleyouth.com - for professionals working with young people. www.qozi.com - big collection of resource portals. Primary education siteswww.educate.org.uk Excellent primary portal - free resources for teachers and parents. www.clickteaching.com Clickteaching - free resources for primary schools. www.funbrain.com FunBrain - US site with resources for younger children. www.storyplus.com - stories in French and English. www.reasonablyclever.com - Mini-Mizer simulator: picture yourself in Lego Duplo. www.ghostforest.com - storytelling site. General portal sitesuk.yahoo.com The UK's biggest portal site. www.excite.com Another excellent portal site. www.excite.co.uk UK version of Excite. www.hotbot.lycos.co.uk Alternative portal. Men's and women's portal siteswww.vix.com/menmag MenWeb - men's magazine and portal site. www.femail.co.uk UK women's portal ReferenceDictionaries and encyclopædias | phone directories | legal rights and advice Dictionaries and encyclopædiaswww.refdesk.com Refdesk - general reference portal. www.bennetyee.org Webster Gateway - dictionary portal site. www.onelook.com Metadictionary site - searches dozens of online dictionaries. www.bartleby.com/61 American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language . encarta.msn.com Encarta - online encyclopedia. www.bartleby.com/65 Columbia Encyclopedia. www2.worldbook.com World Book online - good US encyclopædia. www.biography.com Who's who and who was who. Phone directorieswww.infobel.com/teldir All the world's phone books. www.bt.com/directory-enquiries BT directory enquiries online. Legal rights and advicewww.adviceguide.org.uk UK Citizens' Advice Bureau online. www.compactlaw.co.uk Online guide to English and Welsh law. UK government agency siteswww.becta.org.uk British Educational Communications and Technology agency. www.dfes.gov.uk/index.htm UK Department for Education and Skills. www.ngfl.gov.uk The DfES's National Grid for Learning. www.dfes.gov.uk/parents DfES parents site www.standards.dfes.gov.uk The Standards Site from the DfES. www.standards.dfes.gov.uk/schemes3 Standards Site schemes of work. www.nc.uk.net The National Curriculum Online www.ofsted.gov.uk the Office for Standards in Education www.qca.org.uk the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority www.canteach.gov.uk the Teacher Training Agency www.vtc.ngfl.gov.uk the NGfL's Virtual Teacher Centre Sites for artPortals | galleries - international | galleries - UK | galleries - USA | other art sites Portals and general art educationwww.world-arts-resources.com Portal site for arts resources. www.artguide.org Online art guide. www.symbols.com Thousands of symbols explained. Online galleries and museums - internationalwww.louvre.fr The Louvre. www.cnac-gp.fr The Georges Pompidou Centre. www.hermitagemuseum.org Russia's St. Petersburg State Hermitage online. www.smb.spk-berlin.de The Berlin State Museums. www.museumsnett.no/nasjonalgalleriet/munch Edvard Munch Museum online. www.vangoghmuseum.nl Van Gogh Museum online. Online galleries and museums - UKwww.nationalgallery.org.uk National Gallery online. www.nationalgalleries.org National Galleries of Scotland online. www.tate.org.uk Tate Gallery online. Online galleries and museums - USAwww.moma.org Museum of Modern Art. biggallery.com The Big Gallery - the USA's biggest online art gallery. www.sfmoma.org San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. www.warhol.org Pittsburgh's Andy Warhol Museum. Other art resourceswww.ibiblio.org/wm Nicholas Pioch's brilliant WebMuseum. www.eyestorm.com Discover contemporary art and photography www.artsablaze.co.uk - gallery for contemporary art www.fotosearch.com - stock photographic images. www.greatbuildings.com GreatBuildings architecture site. Sites for business and economicsTeaching sites | business portals Teaching sitesbized.ac.uk BizEd - business education site. www.osl-ltd.co.uk Oxford School of Learning - business and economics tutorials. www.economicsuk.com David Smith's EconomicsUK website . www.tutor2u.net Economics tutorial site. Business and economics portalswww.reuters.com Reuters portal site for business information. www.dowjones.com Dow Jones' online portal. www.ft.com The Financial Times online - massive business database. www.wsj.com The Wall Street Journal online. www.nyse.com The New York Stock Exchange online. www.internationalist.com Centre for international business and travel information. www.londonstockex.co.uk The London Stock Exchange online. www.moneyextra.com Useful site for financial information. www.business.com Portal for business and work. Sites for Classicswww.classicspage.com Classics Page: portal site for classics www.mythweb.com/teachers/tips/tips.html Mythweb Teaching Tips. perseus.csad.ox.ac.uk Perseus Project. www.bulfinch.org/fables Bulfinch's Mythology online. julen.net/ancient The Ancient World Web - classical portal. www.roman-emperors.org Encyclopedia of Roman Emperors. devlab.dartmouth.edu/olympic Ancient Olympic Games Virtual Museum. Sites for dramawww.kentaylor.co.uk Excellent drama portal from Ken Taylor of Middlesex University. cummingsstudyguides.net Shake Sphere - big guide from Michael Cummings. shakespeare.palomar.edu Mr. William Shakespeare and the Internet - portal. www.stagework.org.uk New drama portal from the UK's National Theatre. www.shakespeares-globe.org Shakespeare's Globe site. Sites for EnglishLanguage study | language acquisition | language change | language varieties | language and society | fonts, typography and symbols | original writing | literature - general | drama | poetry | prose | media - general | advertising | film and TV | magazines | sites for EFL/ESL | free texts | software to download | English teaching portals Sites for language studywww.academicinfo.net/ling.html Academic Info's linguistics portal. www.linguistlist.org - big resource site for linguistics ccms.ntu.edu.tw/~karchung - Karen Chung's linguistics site www.phon.ucl.ac.uk/home/dick/education.htm - Dick Hudson's educational linguistics www.phon.ucl.ac.uk/home/dick/tta/KS3.htm - Dick Hudson's Key Stage 3 grammar site www.shu.ac.uk/wpw Working Papers on the Web for English studies. www.englishbiz.co.uk Englishbiz - GCE language resources from Steve Campsall. www.putlearningfirst.com/language GCE language guides from Duncan Grey. http://languagelegend.blogspot.com Julie Blake's superb Weblog for language learning. www.edufind.com Online resources for language study. www.ling.lancs.ac.uk Lancaster University's linguistics site. web.uvic.ca/ling University of Victoria linguistics department web.uvic.ca/ling/ipa IPA handbook from Victoria University www.ling.upenn.edu/courses Teaching resources from the University of Pennsylvania. www.uottawa.ca/academic/arts/writcent/hypergrammar HyperGrammar site. www.bennetyee.org Webster Gateway - dictionary portal site. www.onelook.com Metadictionary site - searches dozens of online dictionaries. www.markboardman.com English Language List - discussion list for language teachers. www.visualthesaurus.com Visual Thesaurus - dynamic representations of lexical fields. www.bbc.co.uk/voices Voices - BBC site that looks at how we speak. Language acquisitionwww.ling.lancs.ac.uk/monkey/ihe/linguistics Tutorials from Lancaster University. Language changewww.oldbaileyoneline.org - trial documents from the Old Bailey 1674 to 1834. Language varietieswww.scots-online.org Wir ain leid - introduction to Scots. www.movinghere.org.uk Database of immigration experiences with oral histories. Language and societywww.ling.lancs.ac.uk/staff/greg/talk.htm Greg Myers’ Analysing Talk tutorial. www.georgetown.edu/bassr/githens/covr511.htm Language and gender site. www.aetherlumina.com/gnp Discussion of gender-neutral pronouns. www.vuw.ac.nz/lals/lwp Language in the Workplace - social interactions at work. Language - fonts, typography and symbolswww.sil.org/computing/fonts Fonts in cyberspace - fonts and phonetic symbols. www.symbols.com Thousands of symbols explained. counterspace.motivo.com Counterspace - typography and its history. www.microsoft.com/typography Microsoft typography site. www.microsoft.com/typography/fontpack/default.htm Microsoft core fonts for the Web. www.alanwood.net/unicode Alan Wood's Unicode site. www.phon.ucl.ac.uk/home/wells John Wells' guide to using IPA symbols. www2.arts.gla.ac.uk/IPA International Phonetic Association. www.symdata.com Writing with symbols for accessibility Original writingwww.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/arts/features/howtowrite BBC World Service's How to Write www.bbc.co.uk/writersroom The Writers' Room - writing guides from the BBC www.andromeda.rutgers.edu/~jlynch/Writing Jack Lynch's Guide to Grammar and Style www.andromeda.rutgers.edu/~jlynch/EngPaper Getting an “A” on an English paper kotn.ntu.ac.uk Kids on the Net - writing portal. members.aol.com/vangarnews/scriptito.html Scriptito's Place: writing site for children. www.stonesoup.com Stonesoup Magazine - creative writing for teenagers. www.tvgohome.com TVGoHome - parody of TV reviews from Charlie Brooker www.theonion.com The Onion - spoof news and info portal site www.poetrysoc.com UK National Poetry Society. peternicholson.byteserve.com.au Peter Nicholson - website of contemporary poet. Sites for literature - generalwww.literaryencyclopedia.com Literary Encyclopedia - huge database of literature. www.shu.ac.uk/wpw Working Papers on the Web for English studies. www.sparknotes.com/lit Literature resources from Sparknotes.com. www.luminarium.org Luminarium - Literature from the Middle Ages to the 17th century. metalab.unc.edu/cheryb/women/wlit.html Women and literature. www.engl.virginia.edu Hypertext resources from the University of Virginia. www.scholars.nus.edu.sg/victorian The Victorian Web - Victorian literature portal. Sites for literature - dramawww.kentaylor.co.uk Excellent drama portal from Ken Taylor of Middlesex University. cummingsstudyguides.net Shake Sphere - big guide from Michael Cummings. shakespeare.palomar.edu Mr. William Shakespeare and the Internet - portal. www.stagework.org.uk New drama portal from the UK's National Theatre. www.shakespeares-globe.org Shakespeare's Globe site. Sites for literature - poetrywww.poetry-portal.com Directory of worldwide poetry. www.kami.demon.co.uk/gesithas/readings Readings of Old English poetry. www.wwnorton.com/nael/noa/audio.htm Audio versions of Old English poetry. www.georgetown.edu/faculty/ballc/oe/oe-audio.html Audio corpus of Old English poetry. www.luminarium.org/sevenlit/metaphysical.htm Luminarium - Metaphysical poets. alliteration.net Forgotten Ground Regained - Paul Deane's poetry portal. info.ox.ac.uk/jtap Virtual seminars for teaching literature. www.usd.edu/~tgannon/txts/wordsbio.txt Wordsworth: a brief biography (text file). peternicholson.byteserve.com.au Peter Nicholson - website of contemporary poet. Sites for literature - prosewww.fidnet.com/~dap1955/dickens David Perdue's Dickens on the Web. www.geocities.com/stuartfernie A guide to Victor Hugo's Les Misérables. www.somaweb.org - Aldous Huxley site. www.robotwisdom.com/jaj/portal.html James Joyce portal. www.robotwisdom.com/jorn/iris.html Iris Murdoch portal. Sites for media - generalwww.studymedia.co.uk Colin Dear's media education site. http://start.at/mediastudies GCE media education site. www.ccms-infobase.com Communication, Culture and Media Studies site. www.adamranson.freeserve.co.uk Filton College media site. www.robertsmyth.co.uk Robert Smyth School media site. Sites for media - advertisingwww.adbusters.org Adbusters - uncommercials and spoof ads. www.adflip.com Adflip - claims to be the world's biggest ad archive. scriptorium.lib.duke.edu/adaccess Ad*access - massive database of historical ads. Sites for media - film, radio and TVwww.bfi.org.uk British Film Institute - superb resources here. www.bfi.org.uk/education The BFI's education resource area. www.script-o-rama.com Drew's Script-o-rama - scripts and transcripts for film and TV. simplyscripts.com Simply Scripts - more free scripts and transcripts www.academicinfo.net/film.html Academic Info's excellent portal site for film and media. www.cinema-sites.com Portal site for film and media. www.imdb.com The Internet Movie Database. www.mrqe.com Launch site for film reviews. www.filmreview.co.uk UK film review site. www.futuremovies.co.uk British review and film making site. www.filmeducation.org Alice Heywood's film education site. www.indiewire.com Portal for independent filmmakers. www.firstlightmovies.com First Light Movies - inspiring young filmmakers. www.freefilmsoftware.co.uk Ian Pegler's free software for filmmakers. www.transom.org Public radio showcase. Sites for media - magazineswww.nybooks.com/nyrev New York Review of Books online. www.findarticles.com/PI FindArticles - magazine article search site. Sites for EFL, ELF, ESL, TEFL and TESOLwww.csun.edu/~hcedu013/eslindex.html Professor Marty Levine's ESL portal. www.gradedreading.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk Kieran McGovern's EFL reading library. www.usingenglish.com - portal and message board for ESL. www.nelliemuller.com Nellie Deutsch's ESL site. www.timeforenglish.net Victor Gayol's ELT portal. Texts for freepromo.net/pg Project Gutenberg - original download site for classic texts. www.americanrhetoric.com - loads of texts and digital audio files. www.bartleby.com Bartleby Library - classic texts for free downloading. www.pagebypagebooks.com Page by Page Books - classic books for free. etext.lib.virginia.edu/ebooks Electronic Text Center from the University of Virginia Library. www.bibliomania.com Bibliomania - more texts for free downloading. eir.library.utoronto.ca/rpo/display Representative Poetry Online - great collection. www.classicbookshelf.com Simon Dempsey's Classic Bookshelf - electronic books. www.free-ebooks.net Free e-book directory. www.cyberread.com More free e-books from CyberRead. Software to downloadwww.kelly.mcmail.com/resource.htm Free templates for writers. www.freefilmsoftware.co.uk Ian Pegler's free software for filmmakers. www.vcu.edu/artweb/playwriting/software.html More screenwriting software. English teaching portal and general siteswww.english1.org.uk Harry Dodds' English Teaching in the UK pages. www.LiteraryEncyclopedia.com New encyclopedia of literature. www.teachitenglish.co.uk Siobhain's and Garry's Teachit - masses of resources: send yours. www.englishbiz.co.uk Steve Campsall's Englishbiz - good stuff for GCSE and AS/A2. www.putlearningfirst.com/language GCE language guides from Duncan Grey. http://languagelegend.blogspot.com Julie Blake's superb Weblog for language learning. www.mrluhrs.co.uk Mr Luhr's English Online - compact but elegant teacher site. Englishresources.co.uk Free resources for English teachers. www.m3spfa.atfreeweb.com Language teaching site from Marcus Whitney. www.ncte.org National Council of Teachers of English (USA) online. www.literacylessons.co.uk Resources for the UK's National Literacy Strategy. www.markboardman.com English Language List - discussion list for language teachers. www.timeforenglish.net Victor Gayol's ELT portal. www.litworks.com Free samples from guides on this site. www.spellzone.com Shireen Shuster's spelling tutorials. www.leraconteur.scriptmania.com Making Words Work - David James's storytelling site. Sites for geographyPortals | businesses | learned societies | environmental groups | maps and data | physical geography | satellite images | weather Portals and general siteswww.globe.org.uk Excellent geography and science site. www.qozi.com/geography - geography portal. www.nfu.org.uk National Farmers' Union site. data2.itc.nps.gov/parksearch US National Parks site. Businesseswww.bp.com BP Web site - articles on climate change, energy and conservation. Learned societies and publicationswww.nationalgeographic.com National Geographic online. www.rgs.org Royal Geographical Society online. www.ordsvy.gov.uk Ordnance Survey online. Environmental groupswww.foe.co.uk Friends of the Earth UK Website. www.greenpeace.org Greenpeace Website - information on the environment. www.epa.gov US Environmental Protection Agency online. Maps and statistical datawww.viamichelin.com Excellent maps and route planning for the UK and Europe. www.theaa.com Maps and route planning for the UK from the AA. www.rac.co.uk Maps and route planning for the UK from the RAC. uk.multimap.com Complete interactive atlas of Great Britain. www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/oswebsite UK maps from The Ordnance Survey. www.streetmap.co.uk Address searching and street maps for the UK. www.lib.utexas.edu/maps University of Texas map collection. www.upmystreet.com Statistical information on all areas of the UK. www.indo.com/distance Calculates distances between cities - mainly in the US. www.census.gov/ftp/pub/ipc/www/idbnew.html International census information. Physical geographywww.volcanoes.com Everything you need to know about volcanoes. ltpwww.gsfc.nasa.gov/ndrd/disaster/links Disaster! Finder from NASA Satellite siteswww.terraserver.com High-resolution images from the SPIN-2 satellite. Weatherwww.intellicast.com Weather forecasting from Litton Industries. www.met-office.gov.uk Weather forecasting from the UK Met Office. www.weather.com Weather information from the US cable TV company. www.globe.org.uk Weather data on the UK Globe site. Sites for historyPortals | ancient history | World War One | World War Two | the Holocaust | war crimes tribunals | Social History Portals and general siteswww.academicinfo.net/hist.html Academic Info's excellent portal site for history. www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk Spartacus - UK portal site for history teaching. www.schoolshistory.org.uk Schools History - resources for the UK curriculum. www.schoolhistory.co.uk SchoolHistory - similar name, different site - free resources. www.historychannel.com Good all-round site for history - comprehensive. www.pro.gov.uk/education UK public record office education site . www.hyperhistory.com Timelines and hyperlinks to show synchronous events. portico.bl.uk Some of the British Library's massive archives available on their site. Ancient and classical historyjulen.net/ancient The Ancient World Web - classical portal. www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/pyramid Interactive site on the pyramids of Egypt. www.roman-emperors.org De Imperatoribus Romanis - Encyclopedia of Emperors. Modern history - World War Onewww.greatwar.eril.net Extensive First World War archives and teaching resources. Modern history - World War Twowww.theworldatwar.com Pearson TV Digital Online's site on World War II. www.academicinfo.net/histww2.html Academic Info's World War Two history portal. www.calvin.edu/academic/cas/gpa/index.htm German Propaganda Archive. www.historyplace.com/worldwar2 World War Two in Europe. www.history.eril.net/ww2 World War Remembered - personal memoirs of war Modern history - the Holocaustmotlc.wiesenthal.com Museum of Tolerance online - comprehensive site. www.nizkor.org Holocaust reference site. fcit.coedu.usf.edu/holocaust Teachers' guide to the Holocaust. www.academicinfo.net/histholo.html Academic Info's authoritative Holocaust portal. remember.org Extensive Holocaust portal site. remember.org/educate Excellent Holocaust teaching portal www.holocaustcommission.org Holocaust education site. www.flholocaustmuseum.org Florida Holocaust Museum. www.candles-museum.com Candles Holocaust Museum. www.mtsu.edu/~baustin/holo.html The Holocaust/Shoah Page - documentary sources. www.historyplace.com/worldwar2/holocaust Holocaust timeline. www.yad-vashem.org.il Holocaust remembrance site. www.coollessons.org/holocaust.htm Basic design but a long list of teaching resources. Modern history - war crimes tribunalswww.yale.edu/lawweb/avalon/imt/imt.htm Nuremberg trials archive www.nizkor.org/hweb/imt International tribunal at Nuremberg. www.courttv.com/casefiles/nuremberg/index.html Court TV's Nuremberg Trials site. www.justiz.bayern.de/olgn/imte-more.htm Official Bavarian site for the Nuremberg Trials. Social historywww.movinghere.org.uk Huge UK database of immigration experiences. Sites for information and communication technologyPortals | tutorials | javascript and java resources | downloads | digital images | utilities Teaching, portals and general ICT referencewww.ictgcse.org.uk ICT GCSE - teaching site from David Philips and friends. wombat.doc.ic.ac.uk/foldoc Online Dictionary of Computing. www.techweb.com/encyclopedia IT encyclopedia from TechWeb. www.refdesk.com The Virtual Reference Desk. pclt.cis.yale.edu/pclt Yale's Lube and Tune Exit Ramp - advanced tutorials. Tutorials - HTML, JavaScript and Officewww.athomewithyourpc.co.uk A beginner's guide to the Web. www.pagetutor.com Joe Barta's excellent web tutorials. www.HTMLCodeTutorial.com Miko O'Sullivan's Idocs Guide to HTML. www.mcli.dist.maricopa.edu/tut/ref.html Alan Levine's web tutorials. siteowner.bcentral.com Measurement tools for Web sites. www.w3.org Home of the World Wide Web Consortium. wsabstract.com/javaindex.shtml More JavaScript tutorials. www.serve.com/hotsyte JavaScript resources. www.a1javascripts.com A1javascripts - more resources. lacher.com/toc.htm John Lacher's Excel tutorials. www.microsoft.com/education Microsoft's Office tutorials. Javascript resourceswww.serve.com/hotsyte JavaScript resources. www.a1javascripts.com A1javascripts - more resources. www.ericharshbarger.com/java Eric Harshbarger's Java Applet Demo. Sites for free downloadswww.thefreecountry.com Tutorials, web and developer tools - extensive free downloads. www.thefreesite.com The Free Site: Java, HTML programs and lots more. www.tucows.com Tucows: massive site for free software. www.download.com Large shareware and demo site. download.cnet.com Great software downloads. office.microsoft.com/templategallery Official Microsoft Office template gallery. www.brainybetty.com Templates for Microsoft Office and other software. Digital imageswww.irfanview.com IrfanView - image editor. www.agfanet.com AgfaNet - links to software, tutorials and free images. www.kodak.com/US/en/digital/dlc Tutorials from Kodak. www.shortcourses.com/editing Image editing tutorial. www.jasc.com/learncenter.asp Tutorials from Paint Shop Pro. Utilitiessourceforge.net/projects/pdfcreator - use this to make PDFs. www.idrive.com More free file storage online. www.net4nowt.com Compare free ISPs with this listings site. www.mlin.net Mike Lin's free utilities. Sites for mathswww.counton.org CountOn - award winning successor to MathsYear 2000. www.argonet.co.uk/oundlesch/mlink.html Maths portal from Oundle School. www.maths.eril.net MathsPlus - activities for able students from Doug French. www.mathsnet.net Maths Net - excellent resource now hosted by Granada Learning. www.mathworld.wolfram.com Weisstein's World: huge maths resource. www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history History of maths from St. Andrews University. www.cs.uidaho.edu/~casey931/conway John Conway's On Numbers and Games. www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/R.Knott/Fibonacci Fibonacci numbers and nature. www.c3.lanl.gov/mega-math/workbk/infinity Hotel Infinity: infinity and paradoxes. www.ex.ac.uk/cimt Innovation in Mathematics Education nrich.maths.org.uk - NRICH online maths club. lottery.merseyworld.com/Winning_index.html UK lottery winning numbers. Sites for modern languagesPortals | teaching | French | German | Norwegian | Spanish | Translators General language portalswww.travlang.com Travel and languages portal. www.fodors.com/language Learn modern European languages. www.nacell.org.uk UK National Advisory Centre on Early Language Learning. Teaching resources - generalwww.csun.edu/~hcedu013/eslindex.html ESL lesson plans and resources. www.forlang.utoledo.edu Language resources from Toledo University. www.geocities.com/~oberoi/language.html - Balbir Oberoi's language resources site. www.uni.edu/becker - Jim Becker's language resources site. Teaching resources - Frenchwww.radio-france.fr Radio France portal - listen to French radio stations. www.bonjour.org.uk Bonjour - Stéphane Derône's bilingual teaching site. clicnet.swarthmore.edu Directory of French teaching resources. www.francophonie.hachette-livre.fr Universal French dictionary online. www.chez.com/kolymbia French song lyrics - don't be put off by the naughty picture! www.momes.net/Lecture.html Premiers Pas sur Internet - for young native speakers. babelnet.sbg.ac.at/canalreve Project Babelnet - French site (hosted in Austria!). www.storyplus.com - stories in French. Teaching resources - Germanwww-2.informatik.umu.se/hs/links/german.html Basic portal for resources in German. www.yahoo.de Yahoo for German sites. www.altavista.de AltaVista for German sites. www.lycos.de Lycos for German sites. www.germanfortravellers.com German for Travellers - learn German and find travel deals www.youngmiss.de Youngmiss - magazine for young women. www.sowieso.de Sowieso - magazine for young readers. www.spiesser.de Spiesser - youth magazine site. www.ghostforest.com Der Gespensterwald - storytelling site. Teaching resources - Norwegianfrodo.bruderhof.com/norword NorWord - Norwegian course by e-mail. frodo.bruderhof.com/norskklassen Norskklassen - Online Norwegian course. frodo.bruderhof.com/norskklassen/sounds-t.htm Norskklassen pronunciation guide. decentius.hit.uib.no/lexin.html Online Norwegian dictionaries decentius.hit.uib.no/lexin.html Norwegian-English translating dictionary home.online.no/~otjoerge/files/word.htm Norwegian words with English translations www.sofn.com Sons of Norway - English language portal for Norwegian culture. www.sofn.com/norwegianculture Language lessons from Sons of Norway skolenettet.ls.no Skolenettet - Norwegian schools network. skolenettet.ls.no Norwegian Schoolnet - Skolenettet in English. Teaching resources - Spanishbabelnet.sbg.ac.at/carlitos Project Babelnet Spanish site (hosted in Austria!) Translation toolsuk.altavista.com/trns Superb text translation tool from AltaVista. eurodic.ip.lu Eurodictionary - text translation tool. www.FreeTranslation.com Free text translation service. www.free-translator.com Another text translation service. Sites for musicPortals | teaching | broadcasters | magazines | downloads Portal and general siteswww.allmusic.com Portal for all things musical. www.dotmusic.co.uk UK based music Website. www.ubl.com The Ultimate Band List - details of almost 20,000 bands. Music teaching siteswww.themusicland.co.uk Music teaching portal. www.musicatschool.co.uk MusicAtSchool - teaching resources for secondary music. www.mtrs.co.uk Robert Jones' music teaching site. www.tuned-in.org Kevin Hamel's music teaching site. www.mia.org.uk Campaign for Music in the Curriculum. www.pcmus.com Music teaching and technology site Broadcasters, clubs and record companieswww.classicfm.com Classic FM Website. www.davidbowie.com David Bowie online. www.ministryofsound.co.uk Ministry of Sound online. Magazineswww.gramophone.co.uk Gramophone magazine online. www.nme.com New Musical Express online. Music downloadswww.rioport.com Legal MP3 files from RioPort, and links to MP3 sites. www.shoutcast.com The best of MP3 and streaming media. help.mp3.com/help MP3 files for free Sites for physical education, health and sportPortals | magazines | athletics | football | cricket | fencing | golf | gymnastics | hockey | motor sport | mountaineering | rugby | swimming | tennis Portal and general siteswww.sportal.co.uk UK sports portal site. www.olympics.com Official site of the 2000 Olympic Games. pe.central.vt.edu PE Central - great PE teaching portal. www.sportengland.org Sport England - English portal site for sport. www.sportscotland.org.uk Sport Scotland - Scottish portal site for PE teaching. www.healthfinder.gov Portal for US government health-related sites. doctorkoop.com Health, fitness and medical information. www.medisport.co.uk Information about sporting injuries. www.turnstep.com Comprehensive guide for aerobics and fitness. www.who.int The World Health Organization online. www.1uphealth.com 1Up Health - wellbeing resource site. www.healthopedia.com - encyclopedia of health. Magazine and broadcasting siteswww.sporting-life.com Sporting Life magazine online. www.eurosport.com Eurosport online. Athleticswww.esaa.net English Schools Athletic Association. Association footballwww.4thegame.com The FA Barclaycard Premiership online. www.football365.co.uk Football 365 online. www.megasoccer.com World football news. www.soccerstats.com International soccer statistics. www.footballunlimited.co.uk Footballunlimited from the Guardian. www.teamtalk.com Football trivia site. Cricketwww.cricketunlimited.co.uk Cricket site from The Guardian. Fencingwww.fencing.net Online guide to fencing. Golfwww.golf.com Comprehensive golfing site. www.golfeurope.com European golf site. Gymnasticswww.baga.co.uk British Amateur Gymnastics Association. Hockeywww.hockeyonline.co.uk English Hockey Association. Motor sportwww.formula1.com Unofficial F1 racing site. Mountaineeringwww.thebmc.co.uk The British Mountaineering Council. Rugby footballwww.rfu.com The Rugby Football Union online. www.planet-rugby.com Planet Rugby online. www.scrum.com Scrum com - rugby site. Swimmingwww.usa-swimming.org USA swimming official site. www.swiminfo.com Swim Info - swimming magazine and portal site. Tenniswww.tennis.com Tennis magazine and portal site. www.wimbledon.com The All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club online. Sites for politicsnews.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/uk_politics BBC A to Z of Parliament site. www.ukonline.gov.uk ukonline - public sector information . www.hmso.gov.uk/acts.htm UK acts of Parliament site. www.ukpol.co.uk UKPol - magazine site. www.ukpolitics.org.uk British Politics information from UKPol. www.ukpolitics.org.uk UK politicians' e-mail addresses. www.explore.parliament.uk Explore Parliament - education site. www.europa.eu.int Welcome to Europa - European politics explained. www.electoral-reform.org.uk Electoral Reform Society site. www.election.com Another electoral site. votehere.net Electoral reform site. www.psr.keele.ac.uk Politics site from Richard Kimber. Sites for religious educationwww.christianitytoday.com Christianity today - portal site. ship-of-fools.com Ship of Fools - The Magazine of Christian Unrest. www.williambrugman.com Beyond a Shadow - arguing the case for God's existence. www.hindunet.org Hindu Universe - Hindu portal site. www.islam.org IslamiCity - Islamic portal site. www.musalman.com Musalman - the Islamic portal. www.zawaj.com - Islamic site for relationships and marriage. www.jewfaq.org Judaism 101 - online encyclopedia of Judaism. www.jewish.com Jewish Community - Jewish portal. www.n-e-x-u-s.com/judaism - Judaism portal. www.sikhs.org Sikhism portal. www.sikhseek.com Sikhism Web guide. Sites for sciencePortals | astronomy | biology | chemistry | physics | environmental organizations | learned societies | magazines | museums | research Portal and general siteswww.academicinfo.net/subsci.html Academic Info's science portal. www.howstuffworks.com How Stuff Works - explanations for science and technology. www.shu.ac.uk/schools/sci/pri Centre for Science Education. www.purchon.com Gondar Design Science - free tutorials from Nigel Purchon Astronomy and astrophysicswww.nasa.gov NASA portal. www2.jpl.nasa.gov/basics NASA's Basics of Space Flight. www.badastronomy.com Popular mistakes about astronomy are corrected here. www.heavens-above.com Information on satellites, space shuttles and more. www.the-solar-system.net The Solar System in Pictures Astronomy teaching site. http://www.bnsc.gov.uk British National Space Centre learning zone. Biologybrainpop.com Guide to the human body and other science subjects. www-saps.plantsci.cam.ac.uk Science and Plants for Schools - life science. www.itg.lbl.gov/vfrog Virtual frog dissection - practical biology without guilt. web.ukonline.co.uk/webwise/spinneret GCSE science (biology) tutorials Chemistrywww.chem.ox.ac.uk Oxford University Chemistry Department. neon.chem.ox.ac.uk/vrchemistry Virtual Chemistry from Oxford University. www.chemsoc.org Visual periodic table of the elements. Physicsbritneyspears.ac/lasers.htm Britney's guide to semiconductor physics. www.ioppublishing.com Institute of Physics online. www.colorado.edu/physics/2000 Physics 2000 - US teaching site. durpdg.dur.ac.uk/lbl/particleadventure Particle Adventure - particles and forces. Environmental organizationswww.foe.co.uk Friends of the Earth UK Website. www.greenpeace.org Greenpeace Website - information on the environment. www.panda.org The World Wide Fund for Nature online. Learned societieswww.chemsoc.org The Royal Society of Chemistry online. spacescience.nasa.gov NASA's Office of Space Science online. Magazineswww.newscientist.co.uk New Scientist magazine online. www.popsci.com Popular Science magazine online. Museumswww.nhm.ac.uk The Natural History Museum online. www.nmsi.ac.uk The National Museum for Science and Industry online. Research siteswww.sciencedaily.com Science Daily news site - results of latest research. www.setiathome.ssl.berkeley.edu Take part in the search for extra-terrestrial life. Sites for technologyPortals | electronics | graphics and type | transport | food General sites and portalswww.howstuffworks.com How Stuff Works - explanations for science and technology. www.dtonline.org Design and technology online. www3.mistral.co.uk/a.davies Andy Davies's Design Technology Department. www.designandtech.com Andrew Jones's design and technology teaching site. www.cat.org.uk Centre for Alternative Technology site. www.wired.com excellent technology news site. www.tbtf.com Tasty Bits from the Technology Front - news site. www.sodaplay.com/constructor Sodaplay - online toy for mechanical simulations. Electronicswww.doctronics.co.uk Excellent teaching resources on electronic products and systems. Graphics and typewww.cooltext.com Cooltext - graphics generator. www.sil.org/computing/fonts Fonts in cyberspace - fonts and phonetic symbols. counterspace.motivo.com Counterspace - typography and its history. www.microsoft.com/typography Microsoft typography site. Transportwww.bikenet.com Motorbiking site. www.topgear.com Top Gear magazine online. www.testdriven.co.uk - Motoring magazine site. Foodwww.foodtv.com Cookery online. www.epicurious.com Online food portal. www.recipexchange.com Thousands of recipes online. www.geocities.com/NapaValley/1111 Recipes and cooking hints online. www.vrg.org The Vegetarian Resource Group online. www.connectotel.com/gmfood Find out about genetically-modified food. www.real-food.co.uk Guide to organic produce. Entertainment siteswww.yahooligans.com Yahoo for children. www.comcentral.com Comedy Central online. www.unitedmedia.com/comics Cartoons and comics online. www.whatsonstage.com Listings for UK theatres and other venues. www.my50.co.uk - 50 things to do in my lifetime. Health siteswww.academicinfo.net/med.html Academic Info's health and medicine portal. www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk Official NHS Web site. www.netdoctor.co.uk Online GP surgery. www.healthfinder.gov Portal for US government health-related sites. doctorkoop.com Health, fitness and medical information. www.medisport.co.uk Information about sporting injuries. www.turnstep.com Comprehensive guide for aerobics and fitness. www.who.int The World Health Organization online. www.1uphealth.com 1Up Health - wellbeing resource site. www.healthopedia.com - encyclopedia of health. www.cdc.gov/travel Government advice on health and diseases. www.aidsmap.com Everything you need to know about HIV and AIDS. Travel sitesHolidays | airlines | cruises | railways | walking | accommodation | advice Holidayswww.bargainholidays.com Big database of late availability deals. expedia.co.uk Microsoft's Expedia site. www.travelocity.co.uk British home of an American site. www.thomson-holidays.com Thomson's official site. www.destinology.co.uk - another holiday portal. www.packyourbags.com - bargain holiday portal. www.holidays-over-the-net.co.uk - more bargain holidays. www.all-destinations.com - and yet more holidays. www.cheap-holidays-123.co.uk - still more bargain holidays. www.tours2brazil.net Tours2Brazil - South American travel portal. Airlineswww.easyjet.co.uk Easyjet - bargain airline. www.virgin-atlantic.com Virgin Atlantic official site. www.skyscanner.net Skyscanner - portal for bargain flights. www.flightatlas.com Get tickets from all airlines. Cruiseswww.cruisecontrolcruises.co.uk Bargain cruises at this portal. Railwayswww.thetrainline.com Information on trains in the UK. Rambling and walkingwww.countrywalks.defra.gov.uk DeFRA conservation walks. www.nationaltrails.gov.uk UK South East trails from the Countryside Agency. www.ramblers.org.uk The Ramblers Association. www.lakedistrictwalks.com John Dawson's guide to Lake District walks. Where to staywww.leisurehunt.com Online accommodation service. www.hotelnet.co.uk Hotels and self-catering holidays. www.hotelus.com Discount hotels. www.kapuni.com Global hotel reservations. Travel advicewww.timeout.com Time Out city guides. www.tripadvisor.com - holiday review site. www.fco.gov.uk/travel Advice from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. www.cdc.gov/travel Advice about health and diseases. www.travlang.com Help with foreign languages. Subject and teacher association sitesTeacher associations | subject associations Teacher associationswww.askatl.org.uk Association of Teachers and Lecturers online. www.teachers.org.uk National Union of Teachers online. www.eastridingnut.org National Union of Teachers East Riding site. www.teachersunion.org.uk NASUWT online. www.east-riding.nasuwt.org.uk East Riding of Yorkshire Federation of NASUWT. www.naht.org.uk National Association of Head Teachers online. www.sha.org.uk Secondary Heads Association online. www.teacherline.org.uk Teacherline - confidential counselling and advice. Subject associationswww.idta.co.uk Dance Teachers Association. www.nsead.org National Society for Education in Art and Design. www.cem.org.uk Christian Education Movement. www.data.org.uk Design and Technology Association (DATA). www.bized.ac.uk/ebea Economics and Business Education Association. www.nate.org.uk National Association for the Teaching of English. www.geography.org.uk Geographical Association. www.languagelearn.co.uk Association for Language Learning. www.cilt.org.uk Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research. www.atm.org.uk Association of Teachers of Mathematics. www.ase.org.uk Association for Science Education. www.le.ac.uk/education/centres/ATSS Association for Teaching of Social Sciences. www.nasen.org.uk National Association for Educational Special Needs. Employment agencieswww.axcis.co.uk/jobs Axcis education recruitment. Free stuff on the Webwww.freebielist.com Claims to have the world's best freebies - go and grab some. www.freeukstuff.co.uk Free competitions, business services, posters and CDs. www.volition.com/free.html Special offers, getting paid to surf and software downloads. www.freebzone.com Thousands of freebies, updated daily. www.teenfreeway.com Site aimed at teenagers - mainly for girls. www.freebiedirectory.com Searchable database of online free stuff. © Andrew Moore, 1999-2005; contact me