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Children and computers

UK ENIS activities

Seed | ValNet | Celebrate | Netd@ys | Oasis


This page gives details of activities in which ENIS schools are taking part.

The Seed Project

Alt text Seed is one of the European Schoolnet's School of Tomorrow Projects. It is currently running in forty schools in Norway, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

If you would like to know more about the Seed project, click here or on the image.

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ValNet logo - click here to go to the ValNet homepage The European Schoolnet Validation Network (ValNet) will facilitate building knowledge about innovation in schools and help create the conditions for creating schools of tomorrow.

ValNet is an accompanying measure for the validation and demonstration phases of R&D projects related to schools. The core activity of ValNet is to validate at least five Schools of Tomorrow projects using a framework methodology applied in selected schools across Europe, to cluster and animate projects and to consolidate and disseminate results.

If you would like to know more about ValNet, click here or on the image.

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The Celebrate Project

Click here to learn more. The € 7 million European Schoolnet project CELEBRATE is building a demonstrator portal that will provide up to 500 pilot schools with access to high quality Learning Objects and a virtual learning environment. As part of a beta testing phase, the project brought together fifteen teachers from five countries (France, UK, Italy, Hungary, Norway) at a summer school in Nancy from 9-11 July 2003.

If you would like to know more about Celebrate, click here or on the image.

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Netd@ys Europe is an initiative of the European Commission, organised by the Directorate-general for Education and Culture. It promotes the use of new technologies, especially the Internet, in education and culture. The most important principle of Netd@ys is the voluntary participation of those working directly in the field. A vast number of projects, at local, regional or national level are organised and specific activities on-line and off-line are undertaken under the themes which are proposed each year. These include multimedia performances, online forums and games, workshops and competitions.

Netd@ys provides all participating individuals and organisation with an open platform for participants to showcase their projects and with an opportunity for them exchange ideas and experiences with people all over the world.

If you would like to know more about Netd@ys, click here.

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Click here to learn more.OASIS (Open Architecture and Schools in Society) promotes small virtual communities in schools within the public educational system while, at the same time, increasing interoperability between different school applications.

If you would like to know more about Oasis, click here or on the image.

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